Reviews from

An Invitation

inspired by a writing prompt

68 total reviews 
Comment from DBastian
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Fabulous poem and fabulous thoughts. I am with you in all of this. i love this life on earth and often wonder how it can be any better in heaven (except for the absence of a few things). your thoughts are amazingly optimistic and possitve and truly heaven on earth!

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2012

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2012
    DBastian, now this is a wonderful surprise. How did you find this work? I am even more honored aned appreciative, because it paid you nothing to review. wow, thank you so very very much.. yes this is how I look at life.. jlsavell
reply by DBastian on 04-Jun-2012
    Not sure how I find them, but when they capture my interest, I just read them. I was "paid" well enough!
reply by the author on 04-Jun-2012
    how very sweet, well thank you for revieiwing.. please visit anytime
Comment from b1h2o3
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It was a beautiful experience reading through it. At a time when people think the world is going to be doomed, when humanity has lost all its power, when weakness and darkness prevails, at such a time, there is still the hope! The world is beautiful to the eyes that know only the beauty! What a way to depict the nature's gifts which in itself are heavenly and inspite of all the hatred, pain and loss we experience, there is still so much to appreciate and hence life is so worth living! beautiful!!!!

 Comment Written 06-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 06-Jan-2012
    b1h2o3. hello what a pen name, I feel as if I am in chemistry class!!!! Thank you ever so much for stopping by. Where did you ever fine this work, since it is not on the listing? I am glad you enjoyed it.. and welcome to fanstory... jls
reply by b1h2o3 on 07-Jan-2012
    I was just reading through and came across your creation and was impressed and hence wanted to leave a review. I am a beginner and trying to learn from all creations, yours was superb. :)
Comment from poetbear
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It is a powerul and impactful work.
It is not a topic I discuss or write about but you did it the justic that it desrves. The imagery and metaphor must have had the muses work overtime.
This is a gem. Reads well and makes sense.

 Comment Written 28-Mar-2011

reply by the author on 29-Mar-2011
    poetbear, thank you ever so much. what a nice surprise. jlsavell
Comment from Gooloom
This work has reached the exceptional level

Absolutely, divinely , feel good and well thought of poem. JL your pen is inspired and you have the knack of putting in words what many of us strive to do and seldom succeed. You deserve to be the contest winner,and if there was more than 6 iwould even give that to you. What an orignal thought. Telling God that "Thank you, I,d liketo stay here and that is my decision." The way you have described life on earth, i'm afraid no one will want to die. But who knows in heaven you could still get more than what you have seen on earth. The Man up there has many a trick up His sleeve and would it not be better to leave the decision to Him? One of the best poems i have ever read. Congrats. Gooloom

 Comment Written 09-Feb-2011

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2011
    Gooloom, I must apologize fro just responding to this exceptional review. It is so appreciated and humbling to say the least. Where did you find this, for it is not promoted. When a reviewer reviews a work that has no money on the table, it means so very much to me, for it means they truly read for the love of reading.. again thank yuo ever so much.jlsavell
Comment from almarae
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this is a great poem about imagination,a humourous look at life to the beyond behind our dreams and what we would like to believe might be possible.
i found this poem very inspiring and bought a smile to my face ,well done

 Comment Written 07-Jan-2011

reply by the author on 04-Mar-2011
    almarae, thank you dso very much for this wonderful review. I apologize for just responding. This review means a great deal to me, for you reviewed it when it was not promoted and it did not pay you anything. That means, to me, you read and review for the sheer love of poetry. I am most humbled.. again thank you so much.. jlsavell
Comment from richard7
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I understand it could be a stirecle piece at how one here on earth enjoys all life has to offer and materially more.
Well written in Script and fine tuned punctuation.
It is a very descriptive piece with a good tint of humour.

Heaven is Earth.

 Comment Written 11-Oct-2010

reply by the author on 11-Oct-2010
    richard7, hello how are you. I do not believe we have met before. I am puzzled as to where you found this since it is not promoted and is so far in my portfolio. I thank you so much for visiting me and reading my poem. It was a fun philosophical write and much the way I feel..again thank you so very very much..jlsavell
reply by richard7 on 11-Oct-2010
    I random read.
    An Invitation seemed like one so i read it!
Comment from dennismackey18
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

wow....this blew me away.
Honestly have never heard the need for life on earth expressed more gracefully...more thought out. All the little nuances of what makes life special on earth ( and will be made more special when sin, sickness, and death are removed ) was captured perfectly in this piece. A perfect teaching tool as well.

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2010

reply by the author on 24-Jul-2010
    dennisamckey18, how true it is. Jehovah bestows man the zenith of beauty and splendor right here. It is hard fro me to imagine how a person can imagine a Heaven, their idea of Heaven as streets of gold, diamonds and pearls. I should think it would not be comfortable having a picnic on gold you.for reading. I thought you might enjoy. I did not expect you to review, so this is even more of a delightful surprise..again thank you...jlsavell
Comment from Chuck23
This work has reached the exceptional level

Your writing is exceptional, wether or not I agree with the idea. Very well written, made me want to read more of your work.

 Comment Written 18-Jul-2010

reply by the author on 19-Jul-2010
    Chuck23, oh my this was so unexpected. Where did you find. I am moved by your generous review and wonderful comments..thank you so very much...jlsavell
reply by Chuck23 on 20-Jul-2010
    Hi Jlsavell,
    When I was looking under recomended - best poems yours, "An Invitation" was very high on the list.
Comment from ritzzy
This work has reached the exceptional level

It absolutely sings and I would love to write as you do. Splendid and I doubt I have ever used that word before for anything. 'the sweet miracle of birth' I had four miscarriages before my beautiful daughter, so I feel that one line completely. I loved that you had a discussion with God and I truly hope we have that choice. Some say we do. Best regards

 Comment Written 15-Jul-2010

reply by the author on 16-Jul-2010
    ritzzy, how are you. I do not believe we have met. Goodness where did you find this. I am so appreciative of your wonderful comments and exceptional review. I am humbled, truly, thank you so very much..jlsavell
reply by ritzzy on 26-Jul-2010
    Sorry, I've been on vacation and just returned. I was browsing through and came across your writing. Truly enjoyed it. Thanks again.
Comment from Philip Webster
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I know now why this offering won the prize! Wonderfully expressed, well thought out, and warmly cynical.... I simply love it. It's my honour to have you in my fanlist.

 Comment Written 05-Jul-2010

reply by the author on 02-Aug-2010
    Philip Webster, thank you so very very much, I am humbled. I apologize for just responding to such a warm and welcoming review.. again thank you..jlsavell