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Viewing comments for Chapter 1 "And In The Thinking Of "
A book full of story poems

4 total reviews 
Comment from Ankh
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh man I love the words. All of them!
The imagery they created in my head was a moment of beauty and sadness...then justice. Nicely written hun :-0~
Seth x

 Comment Written 22-Oct-2011

reply by the author on 25-Oct-2011
    Thank you so much, Seth. I appreciate your support. How is half term going? Take care - Cally :)
reply by Ankh on 26-Oct-2011
    So far so good lol :-)~
Comment from Tillom Gliss
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Amazing! A M A Z I N G! WOW! This is! Woohoo! Standing "O'! This is marketable! This is WOW! Okay...obviously I loved it..say no more. I can no longer award 6s as I am not a premier member...or I surely would have!

 Comment Written 21-Oct-2011

reply by the author on 25-Oct-2011
    Hi Jo,
    and thank you so much! It's strange but I was thinking about you last weekend (which must be round when you wrote this) and I thought must get in contact! How is everything going your end? Have you managed to get much writing done? And did you manage to get Erro Gant published (I hope that's how you spell it - my memory is shocking, so sorry if it isn't.) Would love to hear from you - Cally :)))
reply by the author on 25-Oct-2011
    Hi Jo,
    and thank you so much! It's strange but I was thinking about you last weekend (which must be round when you wrote this) and I thought must get in contact! How is everything going your end? Have you managed to get much writing done? And did you manage to get Erro Gant published (I hope that's how you spell it - my memory is shocking, so sorry if it isn't.) Would love to hear from you - Cally :)))
Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Intriguing illustration
I like the alliteration in head and hand
excellent descriptive detail
and a fascinating fantasy plot
I like the alliterative verb pairing of scanned and scoped
she gathered bluebell juice to weave the finest dress - how enchanting
Love lied bleeding - lay is the past tense of lie
love the sole dew pearl ;-)

 Comment Written 19-Oct-2011

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2011
    ...yes, I'm a bit addicted to "dew pearls" at the mo (LOL) Hope you don't mind?
    I did use "lied" deliberately because of "loves lies bleeding." But as I read your review, you made me realise that it might be better to be grammatically correct (especially in the free verse contest!) than to be OTT-creative! So thanks for your kind advice, and for your supportive review. It is much appreciated, Brooke. Hope you ahve a good weekend - Cally :)))
Comment from kiwigirl2821
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi fairydancer ... I think you have an amazing way to write poetry that tells a story. I do NOT think you will ever have much trouble getting your readers to participate in the writing with you. Nicely written. xoxo Kiwi

 Comment Written 19-Oct-2011

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2011
    Thank you so very much, Kiwi. That is a wonderful thing to say! I really appreciate it - Cally :)))