Reviews from

Questions for Answers

Have you ever wondered?

23 total reviews 
Comment from Lovinia
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Jimi

What a fascinating topic you have chosen. A questioning of the status quo in relation to the spiritual connotations. Your presentation is superb and that image is gorgeous.

A questioning many of us have pondered through a lifetime .. . "Answers to life's stings and falls;" .... we don't question all the good that comes to us, we receive with gladness; some remember to have gratitude.

You question what I've often questioned through my own life ... not for myself, perhaps I too felt my trials were not significant compared to others, but for society as a whole and for the individuals who cry for a life-time because of war, tragedy, famine, illness and all loss.

Your words lay no blame .... they evoke strong reactions in those with social conscience and provide opportunity for those who wish to develop one.

Great work in outstanding poetic form. Excellent rhyme scheme, eloquently penned. I have enjoyed this outstanding poem very much. Warm hugs - Lovinia xoxoxo

 Comment Written 01-Dec-2013

reply by the author on 02-Dec-2013
    Lovinia, how are you sweet friend. Thank you ever so much for stopping by to delve into my portfolio. I have been away far too long and hope to return my gratitude. Thank you ever ever so much.. jimi
reply by Lovinia on 02-Dec-2013
    I read this when you first posted and had to sign off before reviewing. I'm so pleased I managed to get back to it. A lovely piece of work. No need to worry about reviewing ... you have your hands full.

    Always a pleasure to read your writing, and to have a catch up.
    Love Lovi xoxoxoxooxox
Comment from Harlequin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear Jimi,

At last, I am reviewing your newest poems. Again, sorry for not doing it earlier.

First of all, it is a very well rhyming and good flowing poem. It is indeed very thought-provoking and asks dificult questions and analyses things from many perspective. I love that about this poem.

Well, God gave us the 'freedom of will'. So, though God loves us, we can mess things up and can go against his will and end up in Hell if we want to. The other thing is evolution and the fact that it is sometimes unjust and cruel, but there were creatures before us millions of years ago and now all is left of them are fossilized bones. God created them and God let them go extinct. God didn't stop wars or famine, but that doesn't mean that God is unjust or that God doesn't love us. It is much more complicated than that. If you want, we could chat about it via e-mails.

Thanks again for your great and very thought-provoking piece of poetry.


 Comment Written 12-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 16-Sep-2013
    Ed, again a big, big, thank you. Hope to hear from you soon... jimi
reply by Harlequin on 18-Sep-2013
    Well, I was away for a month but I'm back now. :) I liked your new photo and left you a message on your wall. :)

    I'm ok and I hope you are doing well too. I still have your e-mail address and I might e-mail you sometime this or next week. Love. Ed
Comment from bokeh
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Kudos to your honesty and humility. A difficult combination of lyricism and a concise summary of personal search for truth. I like that you readily state you are not alone in assiduously pursuing answers, as opposed to having occasional doubts: "For you my friend have sought it too."

So well phrased: "Why would I so conceive that death is our hope's treason."

Rhyme scheme holds throughout and is pleasant to the ear. Meter sputters sporadically, it seems, varying occasionally without pattern between trimeter and tetrameter. But the powerful expression of your message is overwhelming.

Introspective and intelligent. I thoroughly enjoyed this thoughtful work.

 Comment Written 01-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 06-Jul-2013
    bokeh, again another big thank you. As for poetry, I am rhythym and meter challenged. lol.. I don't hear it and I don't get it.Oh me, will I ever learn.. again thank you.. jlsavell
Comment from Spiritual Echo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"Death is hope's treason" Man what a superb line.!

Great introverted peek show that allows the reader to ponder their own questions within the context of your own.

I love the qualities of this post, the yearning questions, but at the same time an acceptance that that is the world we live in.

Very well done.

 Comment Written 01-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 06-Jul-2013
    Hi Spiritual Echo, how are you? Thank you ever so much for stopping by to read my work and review. I am always delighted when you stop by. again thank you... jimi
Comment from Kingsland
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was a very easy poem to have read. I liked the rhythm you wrote this piece in making for a smooth transition from line to line. This was a well written piece of poetic art with a very good message to read and think about.... John

 Comment Written 30-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 06-Jul-2013
    John, how are you? Hope all is well in New York and you are doing well. Thank you friend for stopping by my part of the woods. It is always such a pleasent surprise to hear from you. Again thank you.. jimi
Comment from Gert sherwood
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello jlsavel
first I really like the excellent way you ask the question with your rhyming
To me your thoughts are telling us ht with God's help a person can learn to help theme selves t see the answers especially to this question--

And if the God we believe
creates all things for a reason;
then why would I so conceive
that death is our hope's treason?

To me death is not the way
The way is simple believe and have faith.


 Comment Written 30-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 06-Jul-2013
    Gert Sherwood, thank you ever ever so much sweet friend. You are such a wise and beautiful lady. thank you ever so much. I will be stopping by your port this week. Please forgive me of my absence. jlsavell
reply by Gert sherwood on 06-Jul-2013
    You are so welcome . jlsavell

    so nice to hear from you.

Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

excellent use of alternate-line rhyming and excellent use of enjambment to keep your thoughts flowing from line to line
typo - for drought as sucked - has sucked
good touches of alliteration in phrases like disease destroys
effective use of illustrative examples to make your point
compelling combination of social commentary and spiritual questioning :-) Brooke

 Comment Written 30-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 06-Jul-2013
    Brooke, thank you ever so much for stopping by. Always a pleasure to hear from you.. again thank you... jimi
Comment from CrystieCookie999
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like reading poems just like this one in tone on Sundays. It helps me get in the mood to go to church. I like the stanza:
And if the God we believe
creates all things for a reason;
then why would I so conceive
that death is our hope's treason?

So thank you so much for sharing. I do think I would add a period to the end to finish off the piece.

 Comment Written 30-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 06-Jul-2013
    Crstal Cookie999, thank you ever so much for stopping by to read and review my work. I am truly humbled and honored.. jlsavell
Comment from patsypats
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very captivating and inspirational.Your rhyming scheme is really superb and adds even more character to your words. Nice smooth and easy flow making easy to absorb.Enjoyable write indeed.

 Comment Written 30-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 06-Jul-2013
    patsypats, thank you ever so much for stopping by to read and review my work. I am truly honored, Again thank you... jlsavell
Comment from webfoot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this is a very questioning poem and the rhyme scheme propels it along at a breath-taking speed. this suits the subject matter because it is like you are screaming at God for the answers.

very well done

 Comment Written 30-Jun-2013

reply by the author on 06-Jul-2013
    webfoot, thank you ever ever so much for stopping by to read and review my work. I am truly honored. jlsavell