
Contest Vote For 100 Word Horror

The voting has ended. Showing the final vote count.

8 votes Dummy by Dean Kuch
4 votes With Your Mouth Closed by Bill Schott
4 votes new trick by judester
No Votes The feast by DALLAS01

Comments For Dummy by Dean Kuch

There were so many great pieces to choose from. It was a tough competition, but someone has to win, right? I Loved how the dummy wasn't evil but loved his puppeteer to the point of helping him give his final performance. Excellent image and color scheme used along with the breaks in the stanzas. Really gave it an authentic feel. Creepy, yet caring at the same time. Very 'Tales from the Crypt'...kudos!

creepy, just pure creepy.

This one gave my chills, the others did not.

Lots of great poems for this contest, but this one reminded me of one of my favorite scary movies...1978 movie with Anthony Hopkins--Magic.

So many good ones here, but this one made me shiver the most. There is something really scary about ventriloquist's dummies.

Comments For With Your Mouth Closed by Bill Schott

Made me cringe and laugh at the same time. Delightful!

Comments For new trick by judester

I still have chills thinking about this one!

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