
Contest Vote For 1-6-1 poem

The voting has ended. Showing the final vote count.

4 votes Snow Glow by Mystic Angel 7777
4 votes After All These Years... by Y. M. Roger
3 votes eyes of blue by judester
3 votes Spring Lamb by LisaMay
2 votes Think Twice by tempeste
2 votes Hunter Danger by HarryT
2 votes Geez! by Ogden
1 Vote pollywog transformation by Mark D. R.
1 Vote Completeness by fm wright
1 Vote Fears by aryr
1 Vote Laughable Logic by Debbie Pope
No Votes Pitfalls of writing by JLR

Comments For Spring Lamb by LisaMay

So cute! Happy poem.

Comments For Geez! by Ogden

All entries were really good, although I had three that vied for winner in my humble opinion. It was a difficult choice, but honestly, the "pole hole" was the clincher!

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