
Contest Vote For Nature 3-5-3

The voting has ended. Showing the final vote count.

5 votes Seasonal Renewal by Mrs. KT
4 votes Rustle by zanya
4 votes In the Treetops by Mama Baer
4 votes Seeing Stars by LisaMay
3 votes Songbirds by pharp
3 votes Sleepy Pride by tld100
2 votes Desolate Plains by Sugarray77
1 Vote Follow Mama by jenintorre
1 Vote Rain, Rain Go Away by HarryT
1 Vote Autumn Trees by pookietoo

Comments For Seasonal Renewal by Mrs. KT

Lovely photos. I love the way it rhymes.

Comments For In the Treetops by Mama Baer

I love the reference to summer nights! Fun contest.

Comments For Songbirds by pharp

Very true to a modified Haiku form.

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