
Contest Vote For Nonet Poetry

The voting has ended. Showing the final vote count.

10 votes To Scale a Mountain by Mrs. KT
10 votes Summer Storm Rages by RodG
7 votes Human Trafficking by Sally Law
4 votes All My Failures by GeraldShuler
3 votes Awoken by Wils
3 votes Transformation by Wendy G
1 Vote Covid 19 Strikes Back by BermyBye50
1 Vote Monkey Pox Outbreak by Raul1
No Votes Morning routine nonet by jake cosmos aller

Comments For To Scale a Mountain by Mrs. KT

Excellent poem about striving and reaching your goals.

This was exceptional work - a cut above some very tough competition. Out of ten entries, I had 1 winner (this one), a 4-way tie for 2nd place, and a 3-way tie for 3rd place.

Comments For Summer Storm Rages by RodG

Best that I have read.

Creates awareness.

It had some stellar examples of descriptive writing. Well-done!

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