
Contest Vote For Bible Acrostic

The voting has ended. Showing the final vote count.

7 votes Judgment Day by Debi Pick Marquette
6 votes Abba, Father by JLR
5 votes Gethsemane by pookietoo
3 votes Unseen by John Cranford
2 votes The Fall by Douglas Goff
2 votes The Universe is Alive by jake cosmos aller
2 votes First Humans by HarryT
2 votes His Sacrifice by tempeste
1 Vote Biblical by Raul1

Comments For Judgment Day by Debi Pick Marquette

Most thorough with an applicable
message to all whether one believes or not

Fantastic work in this form. My best wishes! :))

Comments For Gethsemane by pookietoo

very beautiful and true!

Comments For The Universe is Alive by jake cosmos aller

Nice parallel of the line "everything is connected" with the literal connecting of the line throughout the poem.

Comments For His Sacrifice by tempeste

The best.

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