
Contest Vote For Flash 100

The voting has ended. Showing the final vote count.

8 votes The Emperors Strike Back by tld100
6 votes Coward's way out by Mia Twysted
6 votes Hope for all. by Yardier
5 votes Oops by Kaiku
4 votes The Basement by zanya
3 votes Grandpa Simon by Raul1

Comments For The Emperors Strike Back by tld100

Eerie but fun to read.

Comments For Coward's way out by Mia Twysted

Very well written...

Comments For Hope for all. by Yardier

Very eloquently written with cutting dialogue

Comments For Oops by Kaiku

AI does have a place, let's just be careful.

Comments For Grandpa Simon by Raul1

Don?t die, Grandpa Simon.

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