
Contest Vote For Party Pooper #2The voting has ended. Showing the final vote count. |
4 votes | Fairest of All by judiverse |
3 votes | Term limits 💡 by Harambe iz ur Daddy |
3 votes | Tax Attacks by Terry Reilly |
3 votes | Third Party Pooper by jim vecchio |
3 votes | A Blue Wave Is Coming by Alexandra Trovato |
3 votes | Winning by Shirley Ann Bunyan |
2 votes | Promises, Promises by Tom Horonzy |
2 votes | Redefining Bottom of the Barrel by Reese Turner |
1 Vote | Gamey Decision by HarryT |
1 Vote | His Next Speech by Cindy Decker 3 |
No Votes | Politicians offer prayers by jake cosmos aller |
How do we not see the resident evil here?
I really really wanted to vote for the US politics-related limerick that I agreed with the most, but I resisted that temptation and voted for Tax Attacks, which I thought was the one that was best artistically. It has good tempo and unforced rhyme, and it made me laugh! Good luck with the contest!
It doesn't matter what side you are on, the poem works for either