General Fiction posted September 28, 2014 | Chapters: |
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Valerius and Julia embrace. Valerius is shocked.
A chapter in the book Vision and Sound: Their Stories
Physician & Patient: Pt. 4
by michaelcahill
Background Two souls encounter each other as humans under various trying circumstances. They are unaware that they are soulmates. |

Previously, Abramus took Julia to town and they encountered Leopold. The church leader discovered that Julia was still seeing and hearing things and suspected her of demonic possesion. Abramus tried to minimize the situation and escorted his daughter away. She saw troops on horseback coming and pulled her father to safety. She became depressed when she learned that her father and brother had not seen the men on horseback. Valerius happened to be in the city and went to investigate. He met Julia who claimed to know him, reciting instances from previous lifetimes. We resume now as their encounter continues.
~~~~~~~Valerius encounters Julia in town
Valerius felt his knees give way slightly. He had seen Julia from a distance a time or two, but he had never been close to her like this looking into her eyes. He had not noticed before what a stunning beauty she was. There was a depth in her eyes that he had never encountered in a woman before. He attributed it to her condition and beauty and assumed that it was an effect she had on most that encountered her up close. He couldn't know, of course, that he was in the presence of his soul mate, especially under these circumstances.
"Well, are you not at least pleased to see me? You have died for me. I had the impression that you had a certain fondness for me."
"Um. Well, Julia. I am pleased to make your acquaintance. I am the new physician for the village. If you would ever wish to speak with me, let your father know and I'm sure he will be happy to contact me for you." He took Abramus to the side. "Is this the norm for her?"
Abramus sensed strongly that he could trust him and felt a strong sense of release at the notion. "Well, Valerius, we are never quite sure what she may come up with next. She is very sweet and engaging. She has never harmed or attempted to harm us or anyone else. If you know of such matters, I would appreciate any advice you might have."
"I will find out everything there is to know, sir. I must advise you to please not bring her to the city. She is in grave danger here. The church leaders have their own ideas that are not good news for your daughter. I consider what afflicts her to be a disease like any other ailment. There is treatment and I will look for more treatment. As time goes by, I will grow in knowledge. Keep her loved and close to home. I sense nothing dangerous about her, but when one's entire world is challenged, there is no telling what the effect might be."
"I understand, Doctor. I will stay in touch. You are most kind, I thank you."
"It is nothing. It is my job and my calling."
"Will you stop by my farm? I'd like to discuss this in private. There are forces that I sense to be dangerous. I sense that you are a man of discretion and perhaps sympathetic to the situation."
"I consider matters of one's health, be it of the body or mind, to be confidential. It is important that the patient feel at ease and forthcoming." Valerius sounded more like a doctor with each passing moment. He turned to address Julia.
Julia looked on Valerius with what one might call affection.
Valerius was taken aback and confused by his reaction to her. She delights me. How odd that is. The thrill of a new patient? Her simple charm and loveliness? He returned her smile and walked closer to speak to her. She is lovely. That is natural. I am a man after all. "Perhaps I will visit by and by and we may talk of what you see. I might be able to help you understand it."
"I would be pleased with your company. There is much for us to speak of. I do understand perfectly what I see and hear. It would be a help if you could explain it to those that are not as fortunate. You speak as though we are newly acquainted, yet we have known each other for as long as I can remember. Are you not aware of this?"
Valerius studied her as she spoke. There were no signs that he could discern indicating a feeble mind. She spoke with clarity and precision. However, what she said was quite mad. "Well, I don't have the same recollections as you, Julia. But, that is often true of any two people. We can talk of it together and perhaps come to a better understanding. Would that be to your liking?
"You do sound clever, as always. Yes, Valerius, I do believe your proposal to be to my liking." She moved forward to embrace him in the way of a well-met acquaintance. He accepted her gesture and lingered a moment in her arms. The feeling of it would never leave his memory. It felt as though the earth itself had disappeared and they had been cast into the constellations alone. He wrote of it at home in a poem. He never showed it to anybody.
These souls that trudge with burdens
they seek to lay them down
when twilight slaps the ocean
moonlight multiplies unbound
atop the spray, I find you
and while all around us fall
we rise up to the heavens
we've heard each other's call
they seek to lay them down
when twilight slaps the ocean
moonlight multiplies unbound
atop the spray, I find you
and while all around us fall
we rise up to the heavens
we've heard each other's call
As he slowly pulled away from her embrace, their eyes locked. I love you. Those words entered his mind. No! Put such things from your mind. She is sick. You're her doctor. He was shocked by his reaction to Julia. He made a vow to himself to maintain a professional relationship and not succumb to… whatever craziness has entered my mind.
"I will see you soon then?" Julia smiled. She looked as though this was all expected.
"Um, yes… yes, you will… soon." Valerius looked half as stunned as he actually was.
He nodded to Abramus and Cassius and turned to leave. Whatever melancholy had befallen Julia had completely vanished. Julia's father and brother were impressed and even optimistic that this new, young doctor might be able to do their beloved family member some good.
~~~~~~~Valerius at Trellitia's cottage
Valerius barely had enough breath to respond to Trellitia when she came out on the stoop to greet him.
"Ghosts in the forest again? Or is it rival witches, jealous that I have you?" Trellitia looked around with a mock sour look on her face as though looking for rivals that may have followed her protégé there.
"No, m'lady. Nothing like that. You have no rival." He smiled and took a deep breath. "I have a patient! I need your help. I know so little about things of the mind. She seems clever but she speaks of things that are not there. She hears things that no one else hears. She fancies me an old acquaintance. Yet, she speaks with intelligence. Her father, Abramus, fears the church has an eye out for her and… "
"Dear lad, slow down now before you become a patient yourself! I know of the girl, the daughter of Abramus. My husband saw her when she was young. She is quite ill, Son. There was little my husband could do. She took to music a bit and showed an affinity for sculpture and especially for painting. But, those served to occupy her time. They didn't provide any relief from her delusions. Indeed, she sang of them and composed music to accompany her grand tales. She rendered pictures of battles and hunts for animals that don't even exist."
"She claims to know me. Says she has known me a long while and that I have saved her life before. She speaks as you and I do. She is not given to hysterics."
"True. She is even charming. There is no reason that you shouldn't attempt to help her with her condition. She is in danger that I can assure you. Leopold is strict and follows the church blindly. You must keep him at bay. If you could instruct her to maintain some kind of normal behavior in his presence, it could save her life. Her family too. They could fall protecting her. I don't need to explain the danger to yourself as her physician. I can't advise you more strongly that you must never interfere with the affairs of the church of the state, Valerius. My husband was wise in these matters. To interfere deprives the entire village of a physician. Do you understand?"
"Yes. Yes, I see the sense of it. I still want to help her. There is something about her. I think there is something within her that is sane. I can feel it."
"Boy. Be careful. She is lovely and you are not beyond having your head turned. You are a physician first and a man second, never forget that."
"I have already made that vow."
Wonderful feedback. So exciting to receive all of these excellent ideas and input. I can't tell you how delighted I am with the great support. Thank you. I know I'm behind in responses. I review first. But, I read my reviews and copy them to word. I'll try to catch up. They don't go unread. Thank you so much.
By the way. I'm calling this a fantasy for that is the only designater that comes close. It's not exactly a fantasy. There are elements of philosophy and there is also some underlying non-fiction as well.
one point
and 2 member cents. By the way. I'm calling this a fantasy for that is the only designater that comes close. It's not exactly a fantasy. There are elements of philosophy and there is also some underlying non-fiction as well.

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