General Fiction posted April 6, 2022

This work has reached the exceptional level
Can sometimes lead you to a dark place.


by Boogienights

75 Word Flash Contest Winner 

She wanted so much to do it, to use her knife, the urge was strong.
It was wrong, and she knew it, but the longing wouldn't subside.
It had happened before, it would happen again, picking up the knife as her target sat immobile.
She wielded it with skill, as dark red ran down her fingers.
She gently lifted the cherry pie triangle to a plate and topped it with ice cream,
breaking her diet.

Writing Prompt
Can you tell a complete story with just 75 words? That is the challenge of this flash fiction contest. Title not included in word count.

75 Word Flash
Contest Winner

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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