General Poetry posted April 9, 2022

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Only partly based on reality!

Queen of My Castle

by Debi Pick Marquette

My husband thinks that our house,
Should be a castle for her spouse.

He works all day, so things should look
Like she is there, to clean and cook.

He likes it clean, but leaves his stuff,
Where it drops, I've had enough!

He's fussy with his garage and shed.
That's where I ought to put his bed.

Maybe I should leave it filthy,
So he can see that he's been guilty.

I will not clean the toilet stool
It's always done, he has no clue.

And leave the table piled with junk
Clothes in dryer until they're shrunk.

I am the queen of my castle.
I do not need the stress and hassle.

I love it when my house is clean,
And if I leave it, I might get mean.

I love my husband and hate to fight.
He knows he's wrong, I'm always right!

To fix this problem, I think that maybe,
I'll just hire a cleaning lady!

Poem With These Words writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
The challenge is to write a poem that includes the words provided. Your poem can be of any type.

The words:

love - hate - clean - filthy


Once again, this was only partially based on a true story, and wasn't meant to offend anyone; including my husband! Somehow the truth can sometimes be boring : )
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