General Fiction posted January 5, 2023

This work has reached the exceptional level
The soul can be darker than the blackest night.

Eternal Darkness

by Douglas Goff

The Dark Contest Winner 

She hated the night yet it ignored her disdain. Every twelve hours or so the sun vanished from the sky and the darkness returned. 

Once the sun was gone the woman could move about. The darkness brought her newfound freedom. It brought her the ability to re-enter her once beloved world. 

When she was much younger, she had been a socialite; dancing, drinking, and eating only the best foods with the finest people in London. Then she met Hunter. 

He was a blond-haired, black-eyed beautiful man. Yes he was beautiful. She fell in love with the charming recluse immediately, and was quickly consumed by lust.

One incredible night of intense passion and Hunter left, stealing her sunshine. She never saw him again after that.  

Nor did she ever trust another man. They were fickle, greedy creatures, only concerned with their own needs and desires.  

Even after all these years had passed, she was still a raving beauty.  Or so she was told, because she could never bear looking at herself.  

Men sought her out regularly, deep in the dark night, only to be ravaged by her insatiable hunger. Her desire to completely own them, seeking that which only Hunter had ever given her, leaving them drained. 

So why did she hate the darkness so? Because it was a faux freedom. Just a cruel illusion. The darkness was actually a trap. A prison. 

She longed to feel the sun caress her cheek like a long lost lover as it had done so long ago.  She would give anything to kiss the sun once more. 

Yes, her darkness was a never ending prison. She was stuck in an eternal cage, the never ending darkness her unfeeling jailer.  

No matter, the sun had set. The woman opened her eyes and pushed the casket lid open. Her fangs extended out from her lips. It was time to feed her insatiable hunger. 

Writing Prompt
Write a story where your character is stuck in complete darkness. Fiction only.

The Dark
Contest Winner


The fascination continues.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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