General Fiction posted August 11, 2023

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Use to be a game of sorts.

Changing Spirits

by Kaiku

Out for a walk the other day, strolling through my neighborhood.  I came upon a can lying in the gutter of the street.  I kicked it and suddenly, I felt whimsical and began kicking it again.  I felt light-hearted and young.  A scene from ´Singing in the Rain´ had me mimicking Gene Kelly holding an umbrella and tapping my way as I continued kicking the can. But for some unknown reason, I began kicking the can with purpose, almost swatting at it with my foot with intent.  Whimsiness became indifference.  The can lies in a recycling bin. I am saddened.

100 Word Story writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story of 100 words. Any subject accepted. Must be exactly 100 words.

Age has changed an outlook in both a singular notion to a societal indifference. I miss the the singular notion. BTW, it is not about the can.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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