General Fiction posted August 11, 2023

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
2nd Place Finish

Can Does Not Mean Should

by Douglas Goff

Harley watched the pteranodons circling around the Empire State Building. The world had changed in just twelve short months. 

She wished she could punch the scientists in the face who made speeches about the enormous food benefits of cloning dinosaurs. A cure for a starving planet. 

But they’re all dead. Along with most of the population. The food benefits were for the dinosaurs. Can doesn’t mean should. 

The sick, elderly, and young went first. A T-Rex got Harley's parents in the beginning. Still, the smaller faster ones were the worst. 

Harley led her five exhausted rescuees towards the subway city. 

100 Word Story writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story of 100 words. Any subject accepted. Must be exactly 100 words.

I struggled with the ending on this. Still, I was surprised at the ratings, once again proving my tastes are out of sync with the average Fanstorians. Probably should have had dogs and cats eating people. Ha!
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