Today will be her day to shine
With beauty and much grace
Her poetry's like a fine wine
In sweet poetic taste
Miss Merri's how we all know her
Adonna's her real name
Since she's been a retired teacher
More passions she would claim
From a musical family
They'd sing and harmonize
No matter what chord, note or key
Euphonious surprise
Her poems may rhyme or be free verse
Her art is dazzling
More time for music to rehearse
Piano and to sing
She loves to mix all of her arts
Music and poetry
Add painting to the other parts
All God meant her to be
What is it that for her inspires
Nature and God above
And in her heart's greatest desires
It's family and love
We'll share with her how we all feel
For her our special fuss
In our harmonious conceal
We'll sing, "you're one of us"
Much love from our writing buffet
And this we all agree
We do wish a lovely birthday
To our own Miss Merri