Mystery and Crime Fiction posted March 17, 2024 Chapters:  ...16 17 -18- 19... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
The battles begin -

A chapter in the book Living On The Edge

Living On The Edge - Chap 18

by Begin Again


Jake checked the hallway before quietly slipping through the back entrance. He could feel his heart racing as he approached the interrogation room. He opened the door with a sudden push, startling the two women inside. Layla looked at him in disbelief, her eyes widening in surprise, but Ruby recovered from her shock quickly, although a concerned look still lingered on her face.

"Jake, if you get caught —" Ruby started, but Jake interrupted her.

"I know, I know. I just needed a minute to tell her I was alive and everything would be okay," Jake said, moving to Layla's side. Tears were streaming down her face.

"I can't stay, but you need to be strong. It will be over soon, I promise. My friend, Garth Woodman, is with the FBI, and right this very minute, he is telling Harrison that he's no longer in charge."

Jake kissed Layla's cheek, and she leaned into him. His lips briefly met hers, and he felt a pang of longing as he pulled away. "I gotta go. Just stay strong, okay?"

Layla nodded, and Jake turned to Ruby. "Thanks, Ruby. I owe you a big one." He glanced at Layla, then opened the door and disappeared.

Ruby smiled and squeezed Layla's shoulder. "Girl, that man's a keeper."

The guard's flashlight banged against the cell bars, illuminating the hallway as the sun peeked over the horizon. "Rise and shine, sweetheart."

Layla awoke from her sleep, disoriented and confused. She looked around, momentarily forgetting where she was. Then, she remembered, and fear took hold. Her voice quivered as she asked, "What's happening?"

"Time for you to get up and get ready to go."

"Where am I going? I don't understand." Terror filled Layla's sleep-filled eyes, and her heart raced.

"It's not my place, but—" She checked to see if anyone could hear. She whispered, "The Chief's aiming to one-up the FBI guy. He's moved the interrogation up, and then he's sending you away."

Layla's eyes widened with fear as she scrambled from the bed and ran closer to the guard. "But he can't do that, can he? I thought —"

"Until the Chief gets something in writing from the FBI, he's still in charge. I don't understand all the legal stuff, and honestly, I don't think the Chief does either. He's so used to doing everything his way, and that's what he's doing."

"Someone has to stop him!" Desperate, Layla pleaded with the guard. "Please get a message to Jake. Please!"


Sammy lightly tapped on the door and slowly pushed it open, peeking his head into the room. "Good morning, sleepyhead," he said with a smile.

Troy groaned, "You've got that all wrong, my friend."

Sammy walked to the side of the bed, assessing Troy's condition. "Rough night? I'm told you didn't sleep much and were asking for me. What's up?"

Another light knock at the door made both of them turn. A nurse carrying a tray with coffee and donuts entered the room. "Good morning, Sammy. Troy. A little birdy told me you gentlemen could use a morning pick-me-up." She set the tray down and smiled. "Just let me know if you need anything else."

"Thanks, Hannah." Sammy waited until the door closed behind her and then returned to Troy. "I don't know about you, but I've got to have my morning coffee to get my engines running."

Troy chuckled. "Sammy, you love your coffee, but as far as your engines revving, I don't think you ever turn them off. How do you do it?"

"It's a well-oiled machine." Sammy stared into his coffee cup, thinking. "Times have changed. The boss has his finger on the family's pulse, but he's no longer interested in being the tough guy. He does things that you good guys can't, but it's all for the good. He saved your life, didn't he?"

Troy grinned. "Yeah, a gangster saving a cop's life. Who would have thought!" They both nodded and chuckled at the thought.

Sammy sipped his coffee, carefully studying his friend. "But that's not what you wanted to talk to me about, right? I'm guessing it's Alyssa. Am I right?"

Troy turned away, staring out the window. He'd fought with his emotions throughout the night, and he still wasn't sure what to do.

"You like her, don't you?" Sammy asked. The gangster's voice was gentle.

Troy nodded, and a faint smile appeared on his lips. His voice was barely above a whisper when he answered. "Maybe."

Sammy chuckled softly. "You aren't fooling me. I see how you look at her. You spent four years of your life —" Sammy paused, changing his tactics. "Put that behind you, man. You've got a chance. Take it."

"But Sammy —" Troy's voice filled with doubt. "She's remembering things. What if she can't put it behind her? What if she still hates me?" Troy shook his head, adding, "I never knew it was Frankie who got my sentence reduced."

Sammy chuckled as he drank his coffee. "It cost him a fortune to set her up overseas, but I doubt he minds. He thinks he's sly, but those long business trips to Spain are just monkey business if you catch my drift. Let him have his fun. He's earned it, after all. And what's more, he's gotten those false charges dropped!"

"I appreciate that, but this town has a long memory. They might forget, but they'll always wonder."

"What if they do? You're a free man." Sammy set his coffee cup on the table. "But you don't care about what the town thinks, do you? You're afraid that Alyssa won't believe you."

"She hated me, Sam. She believed I murdered her friend." Troy shook his head and turned away, trying to hide his pain.

"But you didn't! And everyone, including Alyssa, is going to know it very soon. Your brother will answer for his crimes. He can't hide behind that badge any longer."

"Should I take my chances and talk to her?"

"Neither of you are going to be here much longer. How do you think she'll react if she finds out from someone else or remembers it? At least, if you tell her, you'll get a chance to explain." Sammy stood and patted Troy's arm. "I've seen her with you, Troy. She cares about you."

Troy closed his eyes and sighed. "You're right, Sam. It's better to know now than lose her later."

"Okay, I have to go. I hope I helped." Sammy left Troy's room, praying he hadn't made a mistake.


Layla's hands and face were sweaty as she nervously waited for Richard Harrison's pompous self to descend upon her. She had trusted Jake when he told her he would rescue her from this man's deception, yet here she was.

"How can he do this, Ruby? I was told the interrogation was scheduled for nine o'clock. It's seven thirty." Layla knew it was useless, but she felt it necessary to file her complaint.

Ruby shrugged. "He does what he wants, and I do what I'm told."

"Can't someone stop him?" Layla hated herself for whining, but her nerves were hanging on by a thread. She whispered to herself, "Jake, where are you? You promised!"

The door finally opened, but Layla's prayers weren't about to be answered. An angry Richard Harrison stormed into the room and snarled, "Why isn't the prisoner in handcuffs?"

Ruby's eyes widened, and she stammered, "Pri—son—er? She's here for questioning, sir. I didn't think —"

"That's right! YOU DIDN'T THINK!" His voice boomed. "Get me some coffee and not that sludge that's been sitting there all night." He glared at the guard. "Where's Penny? She knows what I want."

Ruby didn't know whether to answer or run. Glancing at Layla's terrified expression, she chose to run. "I'll find Penny and —" she gulped, "Get your coffee, sir. Right away."

Layla watched as Ruby hurried out of the room. She couldn't blame her because, given the chance, she'd run too.

Harrison kicked the chair leg, knocking it away from the table. He grabbed the chair back and placed it where he wanted it, sitting down with his legs stretched out in front of him, smirking.

Layla stared at him, feeling like David facing off with Goliath. She silently told herself if he could do it, so could she. She straightened her shoulders and smiled. "Get up on the wrong side of the bed, Chief?"

"You can wipe that smug look off your face, Ms. Saladino. I'm doing my job, and the cavalry is going to be late." Harrison stood and walked around the table, standing behind Layla.

"Trying to intimidate me, Chief?" Layla forced herself to smile. "What next? You going to put your gun to my head?" He placed his hands on her shoulder, then withdrew them.

She'd hit her mark!

Silently, the Chief circled the table, returned to his chair, and growled, "Let's get this over with. I'm tired of playing games." He opened a folder and shuffled through the papers before glaring at Layla. "Now, Ms. Saladino, about the night you murdered one of my officers —"

"That's your version! I believe the jury's still out on my self-defense claim. Oh wait, you've made yourself the judge and the jury, right?"

Refusing to let her bait him again, he shot one of his own jabs.

"Why don't you continue spinning your best seller? You've got me on pins and needles about your version."

Layla glared at him. "I'm not spinning anything. It's the truth."

Harrison jumped out of his chair in a rage, knocking it over with a loud thud. "You little bi—?""

A knock at the door startled him, and he stopped mid-sentence. Scowling, he swung open the door, expecting Penny with his coffee. "It's about time." His jaw dropped as he stared at a corridor of stern-looking FBI officers.

"Chief Harrison, my team and I will join you this morning." Garth's voice was crisp and authoritative.

Harrison's blood boiled at the mere thought of the FBI invading his turf. "Like hell you are."

Garth tipped his Stetson and smiled. "You might say, the devil has arrived." Without another word, the FBI agent strode past the Chief, followed closely by his team.

Penny followed and stood in the doorway. "Your coffee, sir," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "And I'll get some more chairs."


Alyssa hummed a melodious tune she had heard on the radio as her mind wandered through her daydreams. The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow on her face as she watched the butterflies fluttering their colorful wings from flower to flower. As she thought about Troy, a sudden rush of emotions overwhelmed her, and it felt like the butterflies were dancing in her stomach. Alyssa picked a daisy, twirling it between her fingers, and started plucking its petals one by one, murmuring to herself, "He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me."

A giggle escaped her lips, but she quickly scolded herself for being silly. "We've just met. Besides, I don't even know who I am." She thought for a moment. "What if I am a bad person, a mass murderer?" The idea sent shivers down her spine, and she dismissed it as impossible, but the question lingered in her mind, "Who am I?"

As Hannah pushed the wheelchair into the atrium, she and Troy were laughing and enjoying the day. Alyssa heard their laughter and walked towards them. In unison, they all said, "Good morning." They laughed together, enjoying the moment.

Hannah said her goodbyes and left the young couple to enjoy the beauty of the atrium.

"I love this place. I could stay here forever." Alyssa tilted her face toward the sunlight. "Hmmm, it's so peaceful. Don't you love this?"

"I love watching you in the sunlight. You look so happy."

"I am happy."

"Seriously, Alyssa, one of these days, you will remember who you are. Your life is going to change again. This —" Troy hesitated, weighing his options: tell her or leave it up to chance.

"Go on. What were you going to say?" Alyssa slid her chair closer to the wheelchair. "Did you think I might not feel the same about you? It's okay if you did because I thought the same thing this morning." She laughed. "I wondered if I might be a mass murderer. Doesn't that send chills down your spine?"

Troy shook his head and firmly took her hand. "You could never be a mass murderer."

"Why not?" she said, twisting her face and snarling, "Don't I look menacing enough?"

Troy laughed with her. "You're too beautiful and kind to be a bad person."

A soft, rosy blush painted her cheeks as she lowered her gaze and asked, "Do you think I'm beautiful?"

Troy felt his heart skip a beat as he looked into her eyes. He leaned in, his lips meeting hers in a gentle kiss, and whispered, "From the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were the prettiest girl in the world. You are not only beautiful on the outside but also the inside."

Alyssa's eyebrow raised inquisitively as she mischievously asked, "Beautiful enough to kiss again?"

A grin spread across Troy's face as he replied, "My mommy didn't raise no dummy. I don't need to be asked twice." He leaned in again, his lips caressing hers in a slow, passionate kiss that left them both breathless.

When the kiss ended, Troy sat up in his wheelchair and moved away from Alyssa. Worry furrowed his eyes as he struggled to find the right words to say.

Alyssa noticed the change and frowned. "What's wrong?" Didn't you like it?"

Troy turned to her, a small smile appearing on his lips. "Like it? I could keep kissing you all day."

Alyssa grinned, her heart pounding in her chest. "Me too."

Troy took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I have a confession — something to tell you."

"Do I look like a priest?" Alyssa joked, hoping to lighten his mood.

"Something is growing between you and me; because of that, I need to be honest with you and tell you something."

Alyssa felt a little worried but smiled, "Okay. What is it?"

Troy's answer was interrupted as Sammy entered the atrium, startling them. Troy chided his friend, "Great timing, Sammy."

"Sorry to interrupt, but both of you were summoned to the Police Department."

Alyssa gasped, "The police?" Her eyes darted to Troy and then back to Sam. "What's going on?"

Troy's heart was racing. He inhaled deeply, asking, "Is something going down, Sam?"

"All I know is the car is waiting outside, and I'm supposed to bring the two of you there, post haste. I guess you'll find out when we get there."

As Sammy pushed the wheelchair and Alyssa walked beside it, holding Troy's hand, both wondered what awaited them at the police department. The air was thick with tension, and neither could shake the feeling that something terrible was about to happen.


Troy Sinclair - Ex-cop recently released from prison
Richard Harrison - Chief of Police and Troy's brother
Alyssa Saladino - Undercover cop
Tommy - Sandra's ex-partner and Alyssa's current one (a dirty cop)
Penny - Chief of Police's Assistant
Frank Divito - small-time mob boss
Sammy - Frankie's right-hand man
Jake - a friend of Troy and an undercover FBI Agent
Tyler Chadwick - NYC Detective
Antonio - a childhood friend - a hood
Layla Saladino - Alyssa's sister and fashion designer
Father Terry Williams - Priest and childhood friend
Marcos - a criminals' henchman
Garth Woodman - Senior Special FBI agent
Tango, Poppa, and Lance - FBI agents
Hannah - the nurse
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