Western Fiction posted August 31, 2024 Chapters:  ...9 10 -11- 12... 

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A hearty meal and respite from the world in mountain haven

A chapter in the book Love Honor and a Mail Order Bride

Laughter Before the Storm

by forestport12

Luke sent for a mail order bride, but she unexpectedly came with a daughter and was on the run from the law. Ayanna the Indian girl was found wandering near the cabin. Luke is conflicted between honor

As Luke entered the cabin, his nose met the smell of oven baked cinnamon buns. A bouquet of wildflowers was in a vase over the fireplace mantel next to the lone picture of his mail order bride. Ayanna led the mother and daughter inside where Ruth could go to the only back room with a door and change into dry clothes.

Luke looked over at Ayanna with a wide grin. It was the first time his frontier cabin had a woman's touch. She had fixed her deerskin dress, and to Luke she appeared as a dutiful Indian maiden and not the starving girl who stumbled into his homestead. His thoughts turned to how and when he could break the news to Ayanna that the mail order marriage was called off, because Ruth was not honest about her circumstances.

Little girl Anna took a shine to Sugar the birddog and sat beside the fireplace where they kept each other company. Sugar licked Anna's sweaty face, filling the light moment with laughs and giggles.

Ayanna stood over a pot of fresh coffee until it hissed from the heat and the aroma caught Luke's nose. He looked over at Ayanna and then the little girl. "You've turned this place into a home filled cooking and laughter."

Ayanna turned to Luke, "You like a woman's touch?"

Luke shied from an answer. He feared she'd see a nervous flush on his face, despite the beard. He rubbed his face. "I like what you did. The garden outside looks good too. You've been busy, but I have to tell you..."

The door unlatched from the bedroom below where Ruth appeared in one of Luke's trousers and wearing his flannel shirt. She went over to her daughter and warmed her hands by the fire. "Had I missed all the laughter?"

Ayanna reached for a ceramic cup and poured Luke's coffee. He breathed it in and sighed. He decided he'd speak to Ayanna outside come morning.

"What's in the big pot?" asked Luke.

"Rabbit stew. I set a snare by the garden."

"For someone who lived among the Crow, you know how to turn a cabin into a home."

"Were not savages. Many have come to Christ because of my mother who was taken when she was young."

"I'd love to meet your mother one day. Considering what she went through, she must be an amazing woman."

"She taught me more than the white man's English. She taught me Bible verses and songs when the men would hunt, and the women did chores. In case you wondered, I have my mother's eyes."

Ruth approached the kitchen. "What can I do to help?"

Ayanna turned toward the hanging cabinets. "You may help me set the table."

"You did an amazing job." Ruth looked at Ayanna. "How did you know we were on our way?"

"I crossed the river earlier in the day and spied you with Luke's scope on the ridge."

Ruth hugged Ayanna as Luke looked on. His mind was in a vice over exactly what to say to Ayanna. She must have assumed we were married. The people town would be wondering why the pair hadn't tied the knot.

"Anna!" Ruth called out to her daughter. "Supper."

Anna darted toward the table where everyone sat down. Luke reached for biscuit, but Ayanna slapped his hands. She folded her hands as if to pray and nodded. "We will wait for you to pray." She looked directly at him.

Luke's eyes fixed on Anna who reached over and held his hand, as he prayed. "Lord, I haven't been talking to you out loud like maybe I should. But thanks for bringing us haven and providing this here meal, and such lovely company to have in my life. I reckon we have got some catching up to do. I just don't want you to get the impression I might only call when I need a favor. Amen."

Little Anna chimed in, "Amen!"

Luke choked with emotion. Let go a smile. But he knew the town would be restless and rumors spread like wildfire. And then there was the matter of Ruth being a fugitive from the law.

Over time, I realized Ayanna, the Indian girl and the little girl daughter of Ruth, her name being Anna will make the interaction confusing between the Indian and daughter unless I change it.

Luke a lone homesteader sworn to a marriage
Ayanna, the Indian maiden whose mother was kidnapped when only a teen and raised by Crow
Ruth Thompson, the mail order bride.
Anna, Ruth's little girl

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