Mystery and Crime Fiction posted October 6, 2024 Chapters:  ...10 11 -12- 13... 

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More than an interest in the mystery

A chapter in the book Murder At The Berkshire

Art Antica

by Douglas Goff


With Hattie being alone and her children living out of state, the older daughter placed her in a home for the elderly. Unfortunately, she finds herself even more lonely surrounded by people. When Hattie learns of the mysterious death of Mr. Howell up on the fourth floor, she decides to look into it. The ladies create the Senior Sleuth Society. They decide they need to visit Room 413, where Mr. Howell died. There, they discovered an earring.
Art took a seat on Hattie's bed. He seemed nervous. Still, he said nothing. Hattie stood nearby staring at him, waiting for him to speak.

Say something. This is getting awkward. He looks a bit like one of those Pekingese dogs, but in a cute way. Okay, now I'm rambling on like an old fool. "You said you wanted to talk?"

"Ummm . . . yes . . .of course." He cleared his throat. "So . . . I was the one who put the note under your door. I just thought you should know . . . it was me."

"You? Why?" This is unexpected.

"I heard what you ladies were up to and I wanted to help." He stared at his feet.

"Heard? From who . . . oh never mind, I know from who." That Joy couldn't keep a secret if her life depended upon it. "How did you come by the information about Hazel, Phil, and Mr. Howell?"

"The maintenance man told me about it the night Mr. Howell died. I went to get him to report that the air conditioning was on the fritz again." Art shrugged. "It was about an hour after the man passed, and he told me he had heard the three of them discussing the relationship in an argumentative manner."

Boy, he's a cutie. Geez Louis, Hattie, get your mind on the case. This is a big deal. She came over and sat beside Art on the bed. "You have the missing piece to our puzzle."

"I do?" Art's eyes widened, but he continued to be fascinated with his shoes. "How so?

"You know who was working maintenance, the night Mr. Howell died." I'm glad he's not looking at me. "He is the only suspect we're still missing."

"Well, that's an easy one. Bill Henderson." Art shrugged. "Although I don't think he's much of a suspect. He's in his late seventies and he's retiring next month due to his bad knees. The arthritis, you know."

She gave an all too knowing head nod. Arthritis was the bane of all the elderly. "Well, thank you, anyways. It checks off another box for me and the girls. I think we're getting close to solving this mystery."

"Oh . . . good." He seemed to want to say more. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." Doesn't mean I'll answer it.

He hesitated for a moment, then blurted out, "I know you have a knack for making up nicknames for people. Do you have one for me?"

Hattie sighed. "Art . . . Antica."

"Oh . . ." He frowned.

"Only because you were so standoffish in the beginning." She hadn't meant to hurt his feelings, but apparently she had.

"Standoffish? It was just because . . . " he trailed off.

"Because what?" Hattie caught her breath.

"Because I like you." He was no longer staring at his shoes. Those big blues were focused on her. This is even more unexpected. Maybe I should change the subject?

"S-s-s-so, why did you help us?" Oh for crying out loud, now I'm a stutterer?

"That's easy. Nothing exciting ever happens around here." He was still staring at her. "I want to be part of what you guys are doing. Seems like fun."

"I think something exciting is about to happen." Hattie couldn't believe the words as they came out of her mouth. Was that me? I never. . .

"I'd be okay with that." Art gulped. "What would a fella need to say to have an amazing girl like you?"

"I think you just said it." I really shouldn't, but I'm certainly going to. Hattie grabbed Art by his cute, rosy cheeks and planted a kiss on his lips. Well, that settles it. I'm definitely going to need a new name for Art.
Key Residents
Hattie May Hatfield-New resident who used to be an author
Katherinne Beck-Chatty Kathy, a resident who talks constantly
Jubilee Joy-Bubbly lady
Narcoleptic Nelly-Plump, purple-fashioned lady, who falls asleep
Art Antica-A cold, but cute resident
Jerk Beefy-An amorous sleazy resident
Moaning Lisa-Jerk Beefy's girlfriend
Narcissistic Nancy-Pretty lady who loves the mirror
Lesser Residents
Grumpy Gus-A cranky, very old residents
Barfett-a slovenly resident who eats sloppy
Windy Wendy-A resident who constantly passes gas
Pharmacuetical Phil Barnes-Supplies pills to the male residents
Harold Chapman-Pencil pushing Berkshire Director
SUSPECT Debra-The Berkshire Nurse
SUSPECT Mrs. Janice Cooley-Attendant
SUSPECT Harvey Marsh- Attendant
SUSPECT Becky Hazel- Attendent
SUSPECT Jimmy Williams-Attendant
SUSPECT Carmen Marsala-Attendant
SUSPECT Bill Henderson-Maintenance Man
Edward Howell-Sent to the 4th floor, then suspiciously died
Paul Hatfield-Hattie's deceased police detective husband
Sarah Hatfield-Hattie's oldest daughter
Detective Steele-Hattie's deceased husband's old partner
Marcy-Narcisistic Nancy's sister

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