Romance Fiction posted March 16, 2025 | Chapters: |
...5 6 -7- ![]() |
Some restriction of Rebeka's religion.
A chapter in the book A Serendipitous Meeting
Serendipitous Chapter 3
by barbara.wilkey
Background Respect any man who heals a broken woman he didn't break and raises a child he didn't make. |

Tyler and Rebeka 3 days ago.
Previous Post:
He moved closer. "Since you're crying, you're under stress. That's not good for the baby or you. I'm going to hold you and hope it helps. That's all I'm doing." He put his arms around her and guided her head to his chest. "Just relax. Take deep breaths. I want you to feel safe." He hummed 'When You Wish Upon a Star'.
When he felt her body relaxing, he said, "Good. It's helping." He paused a moment. "Sorry about the song. I sing it to Missy when she struggles sleeping." When their eyes met, he continued, "Tonight I want you to sleep down here where it's warm. The bedrooms are chilly." She inhaled deeply. "Don't worry. I'll be in my room. You've got to learn to trust me. We may be like this awhile."
Around 2:00 A.M. Sunday morning Tyler pulled a T-shirt over his head as he walked into the living room and stopped in mid-step. Why's Rebeka sleeping on the floor? Duh, because she's hugging Zeke. He stepped toward the fireplace and grabbed a few logs.
Once the logs were placed on the burning coals, he poked them until satisfied with their placement. He sat on the floor, turned, and faced Rebeka. Since she's hugging Zeke, I'd say she's more comfortable with him than me. He studied the situation a little longer. Of course, every man in her life has caused problems. Why would I be any different? Because I'm a nice guy.
He got up and went into the kitchen for a glass of water. I'm sure her dad loves her but disapproves of her lifestyle. It doesn't fit into his stringent views of womanhood. His fears have validation now she's unwed and pregnant. She'll face condemnation. I can't imagine her guilt.
Tyler opened and then shut the refrigerator. "I don't need a snack." Then he entered the living room, knelt close to Zeke, and petted him. "You came to our home when Missy needed you. Now Rebeka needs you. Keep up the good work, buddy," he whispered.
Tyler stood at the top of the stairs and studied Rebeka. "Working with Stuart for almost a year, you probably began to trust him. When you needed help, he took advantage while stealing your money. Why would you trust a stranger?" He turned toward his room. "I'm the one guy you can trust." He exhaled.
After Rebeka showered and dressed, she came downstairs. Tyler took a sip of coffee. "'Morning. Ready for a cup of tea?"
"Yes, please." Rebeka glanced around the room. "But there's no electricity."
He pointed to the fireplace. "I have a heat source." He pointed toward his den. "There's a small gas-powered generator just outside the window. It's for keeping phones charged. You're welcome to use it. I'm sure you need to remain in contact with Amber. I need to be available in case the hospital needs me."
"Thank you. If you're needed, how would you get to town?"
"They'd send a helicopter. It'd need to be serious before that would happen."
"I guess you're really important."
He tilted his head and winked. "Some think so. I don't believe it. I'm just like everybody else."
Tyler poured hot water into a cup, added a tea bag, and offered it to her. "Please enjoy." Rebeka thanked him, and he said, "For breakfast I can do scrambled eggs or oatmeal." He grinned. "Or both." As she thought, he added, "I could do pancakes, but they're not good for your sugar level. I'll check your blood pressure and glucose before I start breakfast." He opened his black bag. "Ready?"
"Yes." Rebeka waited silently until Tyler was finished. "Any improvement?"
"A little, but not significant." He exhaled. "Any change in the spotting?"
"It was light, but still there."
Tyler nodded. "Young lady, you're restricted to rest and relaxation today." He entered the kitchen and over his shoulder said, "I'll get the ingredients. The fire's hot. It won't take long to cook. I'm sure you're hungry. I feel like eating eggs and oatmeal. How about you?"
"Sounds good."
Rebeka picked at her food.
Tyler watched. "Once Aunt Beth returns, I'm sure the meals will improve."
"I'm sorry." Rebeka studied her fork. "It's good. It's that I'm not hungry."
"The baby needs nourishment."
"I know, but..."
"You need to quit worrying about things. Roger will handle your agent. When the weather settles down, you and I will handle your dad."
"You don't need to do that. Father's not your problem."
"I'm your doctor and he's affecting my patient."
"That's carrying doctor patient relations a little extreme."
"Maybe but it sounded good." Tyler reached over and picked up their plates. "I'll take care of these. Since there's no electricity, want to play a board game?" When her eyes widened, he asked, "Is there a problem with games?"
"I don't know how to play board games."
"You didn't play them as a child? I thought everybody did."
"Any games with dice or cards were forbidden."
"How about music, dancing, TV, or movies?"
"Those are touchy subjects. Some members will allow them to point. In my home music was allowed only if it glorified God. TV and movies were forbidden. Dancing or mixed swimming aren't allowed either."
"I've noticed you don't wear jewelry or makeup."
"Makeup and jewelry, other than a wedding ring or wristwatch are forbidden."
"Your hair's very long. Is that another guideline?"
"Yes, women's hair isn't to be cut. Mine has only been trimmed. Men's hair is to be kept short."
"What about clothes?"
"No slacks because they immodestly reveal the feminine contours of upper legs, thighs, and hips."
"When I offered you sweatpants, why didn't you say something?"
"You were being nice. I didn't think I should complain. Besides I figured there wasn't anything else available."
"To be honest, it's all that was available. I'm sorry. I bet you're uncomfortable."
"Not really uncomfortable, but I'm sure Father would disapprove."
"What else?"
"No sleeveless dresses or shirts, basically sleeves should come to the elbow. No low necklines or hemlines above the knee. Preferably they should be below the knee. I keep mine at the knee. Also, clothes shouldn't be thin material or tightly fitted."
"Can I ask the reason behind this guidance?"
"To safeguard women's character. It should be beauty of the character not of outward appearance."
"I understand." Tyler hesitated. "I have a question. It's none of my business, but November tenth, do you feel you were dressed immodestly? Is that part of your guilt?"
Rebeka showed him a photograph of her on her phone accepting her award. She shied away from looking at him, and almost whispered, "I've never felt so pretty before."
Tyler studied it and then his eyes met hers. "You're absolutely gorgeous."
"The neckline reveals too much."
"There's nothing immodest about that dress. You have nothing to feel guilty about. The dress had nothing to do with what happened." Tyler watched her eyes. "Really, it didn't. Stuart took advantage of you." He studied his ringing phone. "Sorry, I need to take this, it's the hospital." He went into his den.
When Tyler returned, he checked the fireplace and noticed a pan filled with water heating. He removed it, carried it into the kitchen, and saw Rebeka washing the breakfast dishes. He set the pan on the stove. "What are you doing?"
She tilted her head, studied her hands in the soapy water, and then lifted them. "Washing dishes, why?"
"You've been carrying hot water back and forth."
"I needed hot water to wash dishes."
"I thought I told you to rest and relax."
"You did, but washing dishes isn't strenuous."
"You shouldn't be lifting and carrying pans filled with water across the house." Tyler held up a dishtowel. "Dry your hands and have a seat in the living room."
"But I'm almost done."
He slightly jostled the towel and raised an eyebrow. As she dried her hands, he said, "I'll finish."
"In my home women did the dishes."
"I don't doubt that, and normally I'd let you, but you're having a difficult pregnancy and I'm your doctor. You need to rest, at least until Heather examines you. She'll give you more guidance."
He held out his arm for her to take. "I'll escort you to the living room."
Rebeka didn't accept his arm but walked beside him. Her eyes met his. "I'll rest on the couch in a few minutes."
Tyler watched her walk up the stairs and grinned. Those baggy sweats don't immodestly reveal your feminine contours. Somehow on you, they're the cutest dang thing I think I've ever seen. After a few moments he went to the stairs and called, "I'm waiting for you to return the couch."
Just as she sat on the couch, Tyler's phone rang. "I need to take this. I'll be right back."
Rebeka watched Tyler as he opened his black bag and she asked, "Is something wrong?"
Tyler's eyes met hers as he held his stethoscope. "You've already learned to read my face. I guess that's good." After taking her blood pressure, he said, "I need to go to the hospital, there's been a nineteen-car pileup with numerous serious injuries. We're the closest hospital. When the helicopter comes, it'll bring Aunt Beth. I don't want you to be alone. I thought about bringing you to town, but Heather didn't like the idea of you in a helicopter until she's had a chance to examine you."
"I'm sorry I'm causing so much trouble."
"You're not. Aunt Beth's friend will watch Missy, and I'll be there whenever I can. You'll like Aunt Beth. Pete, you met him on Friday, will be around to make sure there's plenty of firewood." Tyler grinned. "I'll still check on you. Aunt Beth won't be able to check your blood pressure, but she can check your blood sugar. I'm sure they'll have the bridge repaired in a few days. Who knows when electricity will return. It could be in ten minutes or ten days."
About an hour later, Elizabeth and the pilot, Bob, walked through the front door.
Tyler introduced everybody and gave his aunt instructions on Rebeka's care. His eyes met Rebeka's. "Young lady, I want you to do nothing but rest and relax. Don't worry about anything. As I've said before, Roger's taking care of Stuart and once things calm down with the weather, you and I will talk with your dad." He checked his phone. "I need to leave. I will be checking in."
He grabbed a bag and motioned toward the door. "Bob, I'm ready." He winked at Rebeka. "I'll see you in a few days."
Rebeka Miller - our heroine, she's twenty -two, a romance award winning author, extremely old fashioned
Dr. Tyler Butler - 'Ty' an ER doctor, raising his niece, Lily.
Richard Stuart - Rebeka's agent and rich spoilt brat, a not nice person
Amber Wilson - Rebeka's personal assistance and best friend
Peter Dawson - Tyler's friend and part-time ranch hand
Elizabeth - 'Aunt Beth', helping raise Lily and helped raise Tyler after parents died
Christina - Elizabeth's close friend
Lily - 'Missy', Tyler's niece, 5 years old
Lori - Tyler's deceased sister and mother of Lily
Zeke - Golden Retriever mix, family dog
Roger Whitmore - a lawyer and Tyler's best friend
Dr. Heather Sharp - OB/GYN and Tyler's childhood friend
Previous Post:
He moved closer. "Since you're crying, you're under stress. That's not good for the baby or you. I'm going to hold you and hope it helps. That's all I'm doing." He put his arms around her and guided her head to his chest. "Just relax. Take deep breaths. I want you to feel safe." He hummed 'When You Wish Upon a Star'.
When he felt her body relaxing, he said, "Good. It's helping." He paused a moment. "Sorry about the song. I sing it to Missy when she struggles sleeping." When their eyes met, he continued, "Tonight I want you to sleep down here where it's warm. The bedrooms are chilly." She inhaled deeply. "Don't worry. I'll be in my room. You've got to learn to trust me. We may be like this awhile."
Around 2:00 A.M. Sunday morning Tyler pulled a T-shirt over his head as he walked into the living room and stopped in mid-step. Why's Rebeka sleeping on the floor? Duh, because she's hugging Zeke. He stepped toward the fireplace and grabbed a few logs.
Once the logs were placed on the burning coals, he poked them until satisfied with their placement. He sat on the floor, turned, and faced Rebeka. Since she's hugging Zeke, I'd say she's more comfortable with him than me. He studied the situation a little longer. Of course, every man in her life has caused problems. Why would I be any different? Because I'm a nice guy.
He got up and went into the kitchen for a glass of water. I'm sure her dad loves her but disapproves of her lifestyle. It doesn't fit into his stringent views of womanhood. His fears have validation now she's unwed and pregnant. She'll face condemnation. I can't imagine her guilt.
Tyler opened and then shut the refrigerator. "I don't need a snack." Then he entered the living room, knelt close to Zeke, and petted him. "You came to our home when Missy needed you. Now Rebeka needs you. Keep up the good work, buddy," he whispered.
Tyler stood at the top of the stairs and studied Rebeka. "Working with Stuart for almost a year, you probably began to trust him. When you needed help, he took advantage while stealing your money. Why would you trust a stranger?" He turned toward his room. "I'm the one guy you can trust." He exhaled.
After Rebeka showered and dressed, she came downstairs. Tyler took a sip of coffee. "'Morning. Ready for a cup of tea?"
"Yes, please." Rebeka glanced around the room. "But there's no electricity."
He pointed to the fireplace. "I have a heat source." He pointed toward his den. "There's a small gas-powered generator just outside the window. It's for keeping phones charged. You're welcome to use it. I'm sure you need to remain in contact with Amber. I need to be available in case the hospital needs me."
"Thank you. If you're needed, how would you get to town?"
"They'd send a helicopter. It'd need to be serious before that would happen."
"I guess you're really important."
He tilted his head and winked. "Some think so. I don't believe it. I'm just like everybody else."
Tyler poured hot water into a cup, added a tea bag, and offered it to her. "Please enjoy." Rebeka thanked him, and he said, "For breakfast I can do scrambled eggs or oatmeal." He grinned. "Or both." As she thought, he added, "I could do pancakes, but they're not good for your sugar level. I'll check your blood pressure and glucose before I start breakfast." He opened his black bag. "Ready?"
"Yes." Rebeka waited silently until Tyler was finished. "Any improvement?"
"A little, but not significant." He exhaled. "Any change in the spotting?"
"It was light, but still there."
Tyler nodded. "Young lady, you're restricted to rest and relaxation today." He entered the kitchen and over his shoulder said, "I'll get the ingredients. The fire's hot. It won't take long to cook. I'm sure you're hungry. I feel like eating eggs and oatmeal. How about you?"
"Sounds good."
Rebeka picked at her food.
Tyler watched. "Once Aunt Beth returns, I'm sure the meals will improve."
"I'm sorry." Rebeka studied her fork. "It's good. It's that I'm not hungry."
"The baby needs nourishment."
"I know, but..."
"You need to quit worrying about things. Roger will handle your agent. When the weather settles down, you and I will handle your dad."
"You don't need to do that. Father's not your problem."
"I'm your doctor and he's affecting my patient."
"That's carrying doctor patient relations a little extreme."
"Maybe but it sounded good." Tyler reached over and picked up their plates. "I'll take care of these. Since there's no electricity, want to play a board game?" When her eyes widened, he asked, "Is there a problem with games?"
"I don't know how to play board games."
"You didn't play them as a child? I thought everybody did."
"Any games with dice or cards were forbidden."
"How about music, dancing, TV, or movies?"
"Those are touchy subjects. Some members will allow them to point. In my home music was allowed only if it glorified God. TV and movies were forbidden. Dancing or mixed swimming aren't allowed either."
"I've noticed you don't wear jewelry or makeup."
"Makeup and jewelry, other than a wedding ring or wristwatch are forbidden."
"Your hair's very long. Is that another guideline?"
"Yes, women's hair isn't to be cut. Mine has only been trimmed. Men's hair is to be kept short."
"What about clothes?"
"No slacks because they immodestly reveal the feminine contours of upper legs, thighs, and hips."
"When I offered you sweatpants, why didn't you say something?"
"You were being nice. I didn't think I should complain. Besides I figured there wasn't anything else available."
"To be honest, it's all that was available. I'm sorry. I bet you're uncomfortable."
"Not really uncomfortable, but I'm sure Father would disapprove."
"What else?"
"No sleeveless dresses or shirts, basically sleeves should come to the elbow. No low necklines or hemlines above the knee. Preferably they should be below the knee. I keep mine at the knee. Also, clothes shouldn't be thin material or tightly fitted."
"Can I ask the reason behind this guidance?"
"To safeguard women's character. It should be beauty of the character not of outward appearance."
"I understand." Tyler hesitated. "I have a question. It's none of my business, but November tenth, do you feel you were dressed immodestly? Is that part of your guilt?"
Rebeka showed him a photograph of her on her phone accepting her award. She shied away from looking at him, and almost whispered, "I've never felt so pretty before."
Tyler studied it and then his eyes met hers. "You're absolutely gorgeous."
"The neckline reveals too much."
"There's nothing immodest about that dress. You have nothing to feel guilty about. The dress had nothing to do with what happened." Tyler watched her eyes. "Really, it didn't. Stuart took advantage of you." He studied his ringing phone. "Sorry, I need to take this, it's the hospital." He went into his den.
When Tyler returned, he checked the fireplace and noticed a pan filled with water heating. He removed it, carried it into the kitchen, and saw Rebeka washing the breakfast dishes. He set the pan on the stove. "What are you doing?"
She tilted her head, studied her hands in the soapy water, and then lifted them. "Washing dishes, why?"
"You've been carrying hot water back and forth."
"I needed hot water to wash dishes."
"I thought I told you to rest and relax."
"You did, but washing dishes isn't strenuous."
"You shouldn't be lifting and carrying pans filled with water across the house." Tyler held up a dishtowel. "Dry your hands and have a seat in the living room."
"But I'm almost done."
He slightly jostled the towel and raised an eyebrow. As she dried her hands, he said, "I'll finish."
"In my home women did the dishes."
"I don't doubt that, and normally I'd let you, but you're having a difficult pregnancy and I'm your doctor. You need to rest, at least until Heather examines you. She'll give you more guidance."
He held out his arm for her to take. "I'll escort you to the living room."
Rebeka didn't accept his arm but walked beside him. Her eyes met his. "I'll rest on the couch in a few minutes."
Tyler watched her walk up the stairs and grinned. Those baggy sweats don't immodestly reveal your feminine contours. Somehow on you, they're the cutest dang thing I think I've ever seen. After a few moments he went to the stairs and called, "I'm waiting for you to return the couch."
Just as she sat on the couch, Tyler's phone rang. "I need to take this. I'll be right back."
Rebeka watched Tyler as he opened his black bag and she asked, "Is something wrong?"
Tyler's eyes met hers as he held his stethoscope. "You've already learned to read my face. I guess that's good." After taking her blood pressure, he said, "I need to go to the hospital, there's been a nineteen-car pileup with numerous serious injuries. We're the closest hospital. When the helicopter comes, it'll bring Aunt Beth. I don't want you to be alone. I thought about bringing you to town, but Heather didn't like the idea of you in a helicopter until she's had a chance to examine you."
"I'm sorry I'm causing so much trouble."
"You're not. Aunt Beth's friend will watch Missy, and I'll be there whenever I can. You'll like Aunt Beth. Pete, you met him on Friday, will be around to make sure there's plenty of firewood." Tyler grinned. "I'll still check on you. Aunt Beth won't be able to check your blood pressure, but she can check your blood sugar. I'm sure they'll have the bridge repaired in a few days. Who knows when electricity will return. It could be in ten minutes or ten days."
About an hour later, Elizabeth and the pilot, Bob, walked through the front door.
Tyler introduced everybody and gave his aunt instructions on Rebeka's care. His eyes met Rebeka's. "Young lady, I want you to do nothing but rest and relax. Don't worry about anything. As I've said before, Roger's taking care of Stuart and once things calm down with the weather, you and I will talk with your dad." He checked his phone. "I need to leave. I will be checking in."
He grabbed a bag and motioned toward the door. "Bob, I'm ready." He winked at Rebeka. "I'll see you in a few days."
Rebeka Miller - our heroine, she's twenty -two, a romance award winning author, extremely old fashioned
Dr. Tyler Butler - 'Ty' an ER doctor, raising his niece, Lily.
Richard Stuart - Rebeka's agent and rich spoilt brat, a not nice person
Amber Wilson - Rebeka's personal assistance and best friend
Peter Dawson - Tyler's friend and part-time ranch hand
Elizabeth - 'Aunt Beth', helping raise Lily and helped raise Tyler after parents died
Christina - Elizabeth's close friend
Lily - 'Missy', Tyler's niece, 5 years old
Lori - Tyler's deceased sister and mother of Lily
Zeke - Golden Retriever mix, family dog
Roger Whitmore - a lawyer and Tyler's best friend
Dr. Heather Sharp - OB/GYN and Tyler's childhood friend
![]() Recognized |
Thank you, Google Images, for a photo of the dress Rebeka may have worn to the awards ceremony.
Chapter 3 is short chapter, and I posted it in its entirety. It has a little over 1700 words.
I had hoped to write that this time and not make any changes. Not such luck. Yes, I made changes last minute. No matter how much I edit, I still find errors and find things to add and subtract. I hope I didn't make it worse. Thank you for taking your time to read and write a review.
10 points
and 1.23 member dollars
(and maybe more). Chapter 3 is short chapter, and I posted it in its entirety. It has a little over 1700 words.
I had hoped to write that this time and not make any changes. Not such luck. Yes, I made changes last minute. No matter how much I edit, I still find errors and find things to add and subtract. I hope I didn't make it worse. Thank you for taking your time to read and write a review.

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