Romance Fiction posted July 29, 2018 Chapters:  ...86 87 -88- 89... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
The importance of the painting is revealed.

A chapter in the book Perennials of War

Chapter Siebenundzwanzig Part zwei

by barbara.wilkey

Is Anderson a gallant knight? Can he recover Shana's family's stolen relics and heal the wounds of genocide?

Anderson motioned to Jeff who leaned against the doorjamb. "Jeff, have a seat. He's the head of my security and has done some background checks."

"He belongs to one of two organizations, the Odessa Mafia or the Brothers' Circle. My gut tells me the Brothers' Circle, but I honestly don't know. Neither are saints." Jeff paused. "The only things I know for sure are the two attacks, the one in Chicago and the one here were both well organized and the men were well trained. There have also been a few failed attacks, one in Boston, two on the penthouse. And twice they've attempted to kidnap Shana."

"I see they've been busy." Ryan checked his notepad. "Unfortunately, we don't have the manpower to provide additional security."

"That's not a problem." Anderson's eyes met Jeff's. "I trust Jeff and his team. Each time we've had problems there were rookies in place. That's been remedied. Right?"

"It has." Jeff scratched his head. "I'm guessing Kuznetsov's organization is into money laundering, drugs, weapons, human trafficking, and with that, probably prostitution. What I can't figure out is what the painting has to do with it. Is there any way you can help us figure that out?"

Ryan opened his mouth to speak.

"Excuse me," interrupted Anderson. "One more thing. I went to the museum to check for myself and there was a man trying to get close to the painting. He held something small in his hand. I couldn't tell what it was. I'm guessing it has something to do with why the painting's so important."

"Ma'am?" Ryan glanced at Shana. "Can you tell me a little about the painting?"

"Of course. It's called 'Winter-Traum' and the artist is Bruno Schmidt. He painted it in 1914. He used ornamental gold leaf as a flat two-dimensional perspective reminiscent of Byzantine mosaics. I'm not sure that's of any help."

Agent Ryan smiled. "It may be. Did you say the gold leaf mosaic had a two-dimensional look to it?" After Shana nodded, Allan said, "That may be our answer."


Chapter 27 part 2

"It's been right in front of us all along." Jeff tapped his forehead. "How'd we miss it?"

Anderson studied this friend before he grinned. "You're right. For being so smart, we're pretty stupid."

"I still don't have a clue. I must be really dumb." Shana touched Anderson's arm. "Please fill me in."

"A small disc containing all sorts of information could be placed on the painting and nobody would notice. The people involved wouldn't have any personal contact so the authorities could never link them together. If you had the painting, you might discover their secret, or at a minimum they'd have to find another way of doing business."

"Wow!" Shana's eyes widened. "But that still doesn't explain why they're causing problems after I've said I didn't want the painting."

Ryan nodded. "That I can answer. They've already caused trouble. They're worried they've raised suspicion so it would be better to eliminate you and anybody who might know something."

"So how do we make this stop?" asked Shana. "I just want my life to get back to normal."

"That, little lady, probably won't happen anytime soon." Jeff's eyes met hers.

As Shana's shoulders slumped, she leaned back in her chair. "I was afraid of that."

Anderson winked. "I guess it means you're stuck with me a little while longer."

"Figures," she teased.

Jeff checked his beeping cell and ignored it. "What's our next step?"

"Stay safe, and keep doing what you're doing. We're going to see what we have on Kuznetsov, before we plan our next step." Ryan stood. "We'll stay in touch."

"I'll show you out." Jeff waited for the two agents to leave the room first.

"I see you have on one of the New York outfits. Thank you." Anderson grinned.

"I still feel I need to repay you."

"At some point I hope you realize it's not necessary." Anderson paused and swallowed. "When I woke up this morning, you were on the floor by my cot. Did you start to have a nightmare?"

Shana's face turned crimson. "No. I got scared."

Anderson hugged her. "Benjamin's going to be so upset."

She nodded and then added, "Please don't tell Papa."

"Sweetheart, I won't need to say a word. Your face says it all."

Anderson kissed her forehead. "I bet mom has breakfast ready. Ready?"

Zachery walked up behind them. "What's wrong with the pretty lady? Has she seen another gecko?"

"She just learned her face reveals her every thought."

As they entered the dining room, Susan smiled. "Shana, are my boys giving you a hard time before breakfast?"

Zachery raised his arms. "I'm completely innocent this time. It's all Drew."

Anderson chuckled. "Guilty as charged."

Michael entered the room. "The twin bed will be delivered in about three hours."

Susan nodded. "Good. I'm glad it's taken care of. Did you remember to order the bedding?"

"Sure did." Michael faced Shana. "You won't have to spend tonight on the floor."

"Does everybody know?" Shana's face flushed as her eyes widened.

"I didn't, but sure do now. Drew, why'd you kick her to the floor?" Zachery laughed.

"I didn't kick her anywhere. Dad, it wasn't supposed to be made public." Anderson reached for Shana's hand. "Sorry."

"Susan, you didn't tell me it was a secret."

Susan faced Shana. "Dear, I'm sorry. I never thought to tell Michael it's a secret."

"Quit placing blame and tell me why Shana had to sleep on the floor." Zachery burst out laughing. "At night there are geckos crawling all over the floor."

Jeff walked in. "Little lady, if you needed a place to sleep, I would've gladly given up my bed." He paused and tilted his head. "Wait a minute. Would somebody tell me what's going on? I can't believe there aren't enough beds or rooms in this house. It's huge."

"Shana, you or me?" asked Anderson.

"Drew was worried there might be more men outside," started Shana.

"So you took the bed and made her sleep on the floor?" interrupted Zachery. "There's a queen size bed in that room. Just 'cause you sleep in the same bed doesn't mean you have to hanky-panky. Mom, I need coffee." He raised his cup. "I don't get it."

"Drew, this is getting out of hand. Maybe you'd better explain." Jeff faced his friend.

"You're right." He squeezed Shana's hand. "I'm so sorry. I have no idea how to make this up to you." When Zachery started to speak, Anderson glared at him. "Don't say another word." He raised his cup. "Mom, could I have some coffee too." He waited until his mom filled his cup and took a drink. "Most people don't work alone, so I figured at least one more man broke the perimeter. I brought a cot and a sleeping bag into the room. Shana had the bed."

"But all that wasn't necessary. There's a queen..."

"I know that," interrupted Anderson. "Zack, just let me tell it. I think your questions will be answered. Shana was brought up Modern Orthodox Jewish. I'm Gentile. I know that doesn't make any difference to us, but it does to her family. I promised her dad I'd in no way compromise Shana or her reputation. Me, even sleeping in the same room has compromised her."

"Okay, that I can understand." Zachery nodded. "But how'd she get on the floor?"

"Last night I got scared and needed to be closer to Drew," blurted Shana. "So I slept on the floor beside him. He had nothing to do with it." Tears slipped from her eyes.

Susan offered her a napkin. "Enough of this conversation. We've taken care of the situation. With everything Shana's been through, I'd be scared too. The only person she really knows here is Drew."

"Drew, maybe you need to send for Romeo. Thor and Axel, hell, Axel can take care of everything at the penthouse. I suggest you bring Thor and Romeo here. I know Shana and Romeo are buddies."

"I hadn't thought of that. Shana?" As she nodded, Anderson saw pure humiliation and hurt. "Excuse us." He held her chair. "Shana, come with me. Please continue without us."

Shana took his hand and followed his lead to the door of her bedroom.

With his hand on the doorknob, Anderson asked, "Is this okay. I don't think we'll be bothered in here." After she nodded, he opened the door. "While you gather your thoughts, I'll pick up these things." He bent to grab her pillow and tossed it to the bed.

"Sorry. I'll pick up my things. When you weren't here, I got worried and hurried to get dressed." She proceeded to take the blanket from him and took it to the bed. She adjusted the sheets.

"Shana, stop." Anderson took both her hands in his. "We need to talk."

"One of those hurtfully personal discussions?" Shana's eyes met his.

"I guess that's one way to put it." Anderson grinned. "I like to think of them as we get to know each other better and draw closer to one another."

"You might be slightly right." She continued to make the bed.

Anderson watched. Once she completed the task, he sat, took her hand, and used his other hand to pat a spot beside him. "Have a seat. You're finished. Now, we talk."

"But we're sitting on my bed." Shana stood.

"Last night, you trusted me enough to sleep beside me, but you don't trust me enough to sit beside me on a bed. I don't understand. Please explain."

Moments of silence filled the air.

"I can't." Shana studied her hands as she fidgeted with them.

"Please look at me when you speak."

"Why? So you can read my face?"

"Partly. But I also enjoy looking into your beautiful eyes."

Pink tinged her cheeks. "You're impossible." Shana smiled.

"Good, we're getting somewhere. Tell me why you left your nice comfortable bed for the hardwood floor."

Characters so far:

Shana Kohlberg -- a 25 year old high school English literature teacher -- she's trying to get her family's painting back
Anderson Sharp -- often called Drew -- 31 years old -- works part-time on Wall Street -- a billionaire from Texas oil wells
Dmitry Bezrukov -- one of three Russian men in black suits
Jeff Burk -- takes care of Anderson's cars and important security details.
Helen -- Anderson's cook
Jane -- Anderson's housekeeper
Philip -- Anderson's butler -- close friend
Kyle -- Anderson's dog walker
Axel -- Anderson's lead German shepherd
Thor -- Anderson's second German shepherd
Romeo -- Anderson's third German shepherd
Aaron Kohlberg -- Shana's older brother
Ivan Kuznetsov -- formally Ivan Morozov, I accidently chose a real person, so I have changed it present day owner of the painting.
Patricia -- Anderson's ex-wife
Emily -- Anderson's five year old daughter
Isaiah Glassberg -- Anderson divorce/custody attorney.
Jeremy -- Jane's second-cousin twice removed, NYC undercover cop.
Hannah Jacobs -- Shana's cousin, the same age and best friend. Married within the past year and just had a baby, Sarah. Her husband, Paul. Sarah was just diagnosed with Tay-Sachs disease.
Joshua Colton -- Art Museum's curator
Benjamin Kohlberg -- Shana's father
Eliana Kohlberg - - Shana's mother
Maxwell Gaines -- Lawyer hired to retrieve the painting
Erich Berger -- Manager of the Dorotheum art auction house in Austria
Mary Pritchard -- The lady Anderson hired to help Hannah while she's in Boston with Sarah.
Zachery Sharp -- Anderson's younger brother
Michael Sharp -- Anderson's father
Susan Sharp --Anderson's mother
Leon Sharp - - Anderson's grandfather
Grandma Sharp - - Anderson's grandmother
Detective Rollins - - Austin police detective
Allan Ryan - -FBI agent, the lead agent


Thank you Google Images for an image of an FBI badge. Things are starting to come together and some questions will be answered. Again, a longer than normal post. Sorry. Thank you for all the support you give my writing.

I have ten days left before I go back the school. The children won't start util 8/27/18. Summer goes by so fast. I am NOT looking forward to it. This will be a year of many changes. My team changed and we have a new principal and one new assistant principal. I am worried.
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