Reviews from

Lessons in the Key of Life

Viewing comments for Chapter 13 "Yo Ho Ho"
A music and dance teacher's improvization

39 total reviews 
Comment from damommy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

He must have thought you had multiple personalities. hahahaha. You didn't tell us if the mother and child came with the cookies, and what their reaction was.

 Comment Written 23-Jun-2019

reply by the author on 23-Jun-2019
    The mother and child DID come by...but, unfortunately, I was out on my pirate test drive! So they left them for me on the back deck. When I called them and told them what happened, though, they were in stitches. Then, when I called them the next day with the Part II and Jackie O., they laughed even harder!!

    And, yes, that Sales Manager --who, p.s. used to WORK with my husband there-- was thinking I dressed up in different costumes every day. Oy.
Comment from robyn corum
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


OMS -- so you never even bothered to explain???? That is some brave... ness on your behalf! I love it! Can you IMAGINE the stories he told when he got back to the office??? That's awesome!

 Comment Written 23-Jun-2019

reply by the author on 23-Jun-2019
    Ohhhh yes!! And my husband used to work at that dealership with him. So that added an extra facet to it, too. The Manager could share it with other work colleagues and flabbergast THEM, too!! "Hey, Guys. Wait til you hear about the doozy Bob is married to NOW!"
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You did a great job, Rachelle, with your story. In fact, it was hilarious--s0 fun to read. I like the idea of you trying not to scare the young student--would have loved to hear the reaction that student gave your little drama. But as the adult that filled in, it was great. I'm glad you kept in character when your husband and car salesman drove up. The car salesman at a loss for words--priceless. He recovered well the next day. Thanks for sharing. Jan

 Comment Written 23-Jun-2019

reply by the author on 23-Jun-2019
    Oh, yeah! Once he "figured me out," he was all KINDS of comfortable then!! Oy.

    Thank you for the fun review, Jan. xo
Comment from James W. Reynolds
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very funny and delightful story - a true comedy of errors. But the necessary details are included so the reader can understand logically how the events happened, and even if they are absurd they are also realistic. Everyone behaves in a rational way under the circumstances. Nice work.

 Comment Written 23-Jun-2019

reply by the author on 23-Jun-2019
    It's that old "truth is stranger than fiction" mantra, James, right?! Thanks for the nice review. xo
Comment from Debra White
This work has reached the exceptional level

Rachelle, I bloody love you!!
You crease me up... this is such a funny anecdote and a really entertaining read. Your lesson is right - I bet the moment you emerged from your house for the test drive tarted up like a pirate with a penguin on your shoulder is a moment that the car salesman will never forget (and most probably the highlight of his career so far!)
Thank you so much for sharing - you've made my Sunday!
Best wishes to you as always, Debra :) x

 Comment Written 23-Jun-2019

reply by the author on 23-Jun-2019
    What's even funnier is that Bobby used to be the F + I guy at that dealership (they're the ones in contact with the banks, who decide if a loan goes through or not.) So can you just imagine the talk later on around the water cooler? "Yeah, Quiet Bob has hooked himself up with QUITE the doozy THIS time!! She dresses up in different costumes every day!" Oy.
Comment from JudyE
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That's hilarious. Extra kudos for staying 'in character' when the car salesman turned up. No doubt he has dined out several times courtesy of your characters.

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 Comment Written 23-Jun-2019

reply by the author on 23-Jun-2019
    Ohhh, I'm sure that's true!
Comment from Jan Anderegg
This work has reached the exceptional level

Very few posts ever make me laugh out loud until my sides hurt, but this one sure did. Oh my goodness. That is just too funny. I loved it.
Is this book going to be published? If so, let me know when it is done, and I will buy a copy!
All the best with future chapters. This is great.

 Comment Written 23-Jun-2019

reply by the author on 23-Jun-2019
    This is what I'm hoping!! Thanks for that vote of confidence. I'll let you know when/if it comes to fruition. (and I hope your sides are much better now!) xo
Comment from LisaMay
This work has reached the exceptional level

Obviously a pirate from southern climes. You could be a Dunedin pirate - we have lots of penguins here! (I hope the cookies turned up.)
This is crack-up funny. Poor Bobby, having a nutcase missus. I love how you made a salesman speechless. I love all of it.

 Comment Written 23-Jun-2019

reply by the author on 23-Jun-2019
    The extra facet about Bobby's part in this is that he used to work at that car dealership as the F & I guy, the one who works with the bank to get a deal bought. Can you just hear that manager back at the office afterward, "Wait until you hear about the doozy Bob has married THIS time!!" Oy.
reply by LisaMay on 23-Jun-2019
    Apart from Penguin Pirate and Jackie O, who else gets an outing when you want to scare the locals?
reply by the author on 23-Jun-2019
    There is no end to my character portrayals.
reply by LisaMay on 23-Jun-2019
    Do you prefer the front end or the back end for when i come over with my cow suit?
reply by the author on 23-Jun-2019
    Hmmm. If it were a horse suit, I'd have an more immediate response.
reply by LisaMay on 23-Jun-2019
    You wouldn't get a choice if it were MY horse suit. Neigh I say!
reply by the author on 23-Jun-2019
    Butt, butt...
reply by LisaMay on 23-Jun-2019
    I don't want you to whinny all the time.
reply by the author on 23-Jun-2019
    That was my mane concern about you!!
Comment from Thomas Bowling
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very good. An interesting fact is that contrary to what most people think, pirates did not wear eye patches because they had lost an eye. Their purpose was so if a pirate was fighting in the dark, they could remove the patch and have immediate night-vision. On some ships, all of the pirates wore eye patches.

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The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.

 Comment Written 23-Jun-2019

reply by the author on 23-Jun-2019
    The things I learn on FS! Thank you for making me smarter today, Thomas! xo