The Book of Biden
Viewing comments for Chapter 10 "Term limits 💡"the life and times of Joe Biden
4 total reviews
Comment from Bill Schott
This limerick, Term Limits, has the proper formatting and has a few mini-notations such as Ava Maria (Catholic religion) term limits (for Supreme Court Justices), and in the image, the idea of a 'two-potty' system. : )
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2024
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This limerick, Term Limits, has the proper formatting and has a few mini-notations such as Ava Maria (Catholic religion) term limits (for Supreme Court Justices), and in the image, the idea of a 'two-potty' system. : )
Comment Written 04-Aug-2024
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2024
That was a very sharp observation on the toilets. It was a happy coincidence that the AI came up with that on its own. Gabby AI -- highly recommended. Thanks for the witty remarks!
Comment from tempeste
Ciao Harambe !
Your humour is off the charts here.
These elections are getting really ugly but I do enjoy reading members opinions when laced with ( dark ) humour.
And the White House shenanigans continue.
reply by the author on 31-Jul-2024
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Ciao Harambe !
Your humour is off the charts here.
These elections are getting really ugly but I do enjoy reading members opinions when laced with ( dark ) humour.
And the White House shenanigans continue.
Comment Written 30-Jul-2024
reply by the author on 31-Jul-2024
Tempeste thanks so much for this killer rating. The AI did exceptionally well with this pic. I might have to use that engine (I think it was Gabby AI? It's in the notes) again. It sure captured the narcissism well, without even being prompted. Maybe it knows something that its developers don't.
Ciao Harambe!
You now have three votes. I enjoyed reading your poem again, glad to see it is on the podium.
How did you manage to put an emoji in the title..I tried and I got weird scribbles.
You have to put in HTML code. Each emoji has a six digit code. That code is preceded by "&#" and followed by a semicolon. For example, the code for a gorilla is 129421. So I write it as &129421;
The thing you must remember is anytime you edit your piece again, it will render out that code and you must update it again, or it will do the same thing that you are describing, kind of like calculus derivatives.
To see a list of codes just google "emoji html codes" and you'll find them.
Sorry, it's 🦍 - I left out the hashtag in the example.
This is all new to me. Had no idea
emojis had code numbers.
Okay, I will try that out.
Thanks Harambe!
I did it !!!!
I put the cake emoji for my Birthday entry.
A thousand thanks!
Nice work! 👍🏽
Comment from Pamusart
Hi, simiansavant
There is an ex president who literally does spew diarrhea while he's on trial in Manhattan courtroom
At least that's what's being reported that he stunk up the whole court room
Maybe it happens to Biden too, but it hasn't happened in such a public place
It's written that Trump wears diapers.
But I realize for this contest you have to be dirty to win it. You have to be a dirty diaper, lol
It's amazing that Jimmy Carter is still alive. I heard he went to hospice a long time ago and I don't know if Rosalyn is still alive.
I think he's the oldest of any former president that ever lived. He was too kindhearted. That's why he wasn't a good president.
Your poem is humorous, which is true of most limericks. I enjoy reading limericks even though I've never written one. I enjoy the way they sound because you're forced into having.Perfect meter
I enjoyed reading your poem
Good job. Thank you for sharing.
reply by the author on 30-Jul-2024
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Hi, simiansavant
There is an ex president who literally does spew diarrhea while he's on trial in Manhattan courtroom
At least that's what's being reported that he stunk up the whole court room
Maybe it happens to Biden too, but it hasn't happened in such a public place
It's written that Trump wears diapers.
But I realize for this contest you have to be dirty to win it. You have to be a dirty diaper, lol
It's amazing that Jimmy Carter is still alive. I heard he went to hospice a long time ago and I don't know if Rosalyn is still alive.
I think he's the oldest of any former president that ever lived. He was too kindhearted. That's why he wasn't a good president.
Your poem is humorous, which is true of most limericks. I enjoy reading limericks even though I've never written one. I enjoy the way they sound because you're forced into having.Perfect meter
I enjoyed reading your poem
Good job. Thank you for sharing.
Comment Written 30-Jul-2024
reply by the author on 30-Jul-2024
Rosalyn died a few months ago actually. Jimmy Carter will turn 100 a month before the election. Maybe he is just hanging on to reach that milestone.
Your comments are on point! IDK which of them wear literal diapers. A lot of these politicians are at an age where their bodies no longer operate like they used to. I never voted for Trump but if I were him in that courtroom I would probably rip a$$ as much as possible there! I think I read 85% of that precinct voted for Biden. But in the upcoming weeks I'll be attacking everyone that is not a gorilla or a banana. There's actually a long limerick that includes Trump and various other Republicans in the post pinned on the top of my profile. I just have gotten kind of bored writing about him for the last 9 years and Kamala has not received enough attention. NOW she will, muhahaha
Thanks for the kind words, and glad you enjoyed this,
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Maybe Biden needs term limits for himself. He's a career politician and has made millions of dollars from it. So, has Nancy Pelosi. I could go on but you get the picture. Thank you for sharing this contest entry with us.
reply by the author on 30-Jul-2024
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Maybe Biden needs term limits for himself. He's a career politician and has made millions of dollars from it. So, has Nancy Pelosi. I could go on but you get the picture. Thank you for sharing this contest entry with us.
Comment Written 30-Jul-2024
reply by the author on 30-Jul-2024
Re: Biden imposing term limits on himself -- that was exactly the idea with this post ; ) he should resign and give Kamala a real chance to prove she can lead! UNLIKELY on both fronts hahaha
Harris could lead a dog fight, if both dogs were there ready to fight. Look at the messes, she's already made.