General Poetry posted January 2, 2024

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They were meant to be on earth before Heaven

How Babies Want You to Vote

by Debi Pick Marquette

What hurts my heart the very most

A politician who could boast

Of making it a right to kill 

With surgery or else a pill

One thing I do not understand 

What once was a God fearing land

That we would listen to the lie

Of satan; not a baby's cry

The innocent without a voice

Ask why you think it is your choice

Some mothers are too scared to fight

So won't stand up for baby’s right

Some laws are made for votes, we know

To say it's right, won't make it so

The Bible says there is a day

That those who kill a babe will pay

They're sent to Heaven from our worst

But God meant them to be here first

I've heard adopted parents quote

How would babies want you to vote


Write a Rhyming Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem that rhymes using any rhyme scheme you like. No FreeVerse. Must be more than one stanza. Any topic, but keep it clean.


I know I will have opposition on this, but this is my passion is to let the unborn voice be heard
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